It's time for another round of Quilt Block Mania! Thanks again to Carolina Moore for organizing such a fun event. I'm having a great time designing patterns and also sewing up several designs from others. I am putting the finishing touches on a Valentine's Day sampler quilt from January's Quilt Block Mania designs. Once I get the binding on I'll post pictures and a free pattern for a Modern Sampler Quilt...hopefully later this week.
In the meantime, let's get on with the next round of blocks. The theme is "Lucky Charms" using this color palette.
Here are the fabrics I selected:

My block is called "Luck and Sunshine" and here is the PDF Download for you:

This block comes together with curved piecing. The PDF pattern download provides instruction for my favorite method of piecing curves. I use two pins, a stiletto, and lots of patience...and I don't iron my seams until I'm finished sewing the block. I hope you will give this block a try!
Share your finished block on social media using #quiltblockmania and #bhqluckandsunshine
If you need longarm quilting services, I provide a 15% discount on any orders that contain at least one of my pattern designs.
I am always available for questions or feedback:
E-mail: altheagyde@blueheronquilting
Instagram: @blueheronquilting
Facebook: Althea Gyde or Blue Heron Quilting
TikTok: @thegydezoo
Check out the links below to see all the other designs!

Here is the list of all the designers: